Modular Popup. Screenshot

The web has come a long way in the last decade (see ‘How the Web has Evolved’ for some examples), but even with new technologies, there are still plenty of things to grind one’s gears when it comes to browsing.  In no particular order, here are 7 features I’ve foundRead More →

The third heroes I want to introduce as part of the crew is…the crew. These are the joint men and women on the ground that help make the client’s production come to life (alongside the cast). Unlike the cast, the crew are the team that are the often silent performersRead More →

Ever needed a quick and easy way to get your class (regardless of age) engaged and at the same time measure their uderstanding of the topic at hand? Perhaps you’re a class with personalised learning and want a way to pre-check your students that may demonstrate mastery on a particularRead More →

Female Symbol by Piotr. Used under Public Domain

As you may or may not have noticed, today is International Women’s Day, a chance to celebrate the female portion of our world’s population, inside or out that have helped to make a difference and will continue to do so. As an individual who believes in encouraging the world to becomeRead More →

Audiotool in Action. Screenshot

In a world where you can become famous instantly thanks to the modern age having more sharing options than ever, starting your music career couldn’t be a more fun time…until you realise how expensive it can be. From sample packs to instruments to licenses (if you’re planning on selling covers) toRead More →

Wifi Overview 360 on Tablet. Own work

Links to all mentioned software in the ‘Software Mentioned’ section to the right. So a bit of a change of pace here looking into apps. As the title suggests this app by KAITBITS Software,  which is sadly only for Android, has the ability to scan yours and nearby WiFi networksRead More →

Teamwork in Action. Own Work

Let’s face it, computers and devices are pretty ubiquitous in our everyday meetings and teaching sessions these days. From interactive whiteboards to spreadsheets, flashy presentations and instantly shareable minutes most people would feel technology enhances meetings. But in what way is the tech you provide really enhancing your meetings? InRead More →

The next hero in the crew I wish to introduce, is the writer. Their role involves taking the brief and works with the client to produce the ‘script’ of your project. What this entity is will depend on the project itself. In video production or publishing, the writer plays the role inRead More →