In The Beginning

Hey there. So unlike some of the other blogs I run, this site is a bit more personal. Despite the term being used differently in today’s internet culture, this blog isn’t focused on comedically making fun of people and things (well, not toally) so if you’re looking for something out of Comedy Central, sorry to disappoint you.

I’ve started this blog as a focus on my weekly musings living in the north west of England in the UK as a semi-recent graduate. It serves partly as a personal journal of my thoughts, opinions and what I’ve done as I get used to adult life outside of uni and indeed now without the help of my former partner and her family whom helped keep the long lifestyle of home, student and early being supported somehow. Don’t get me wrong, without my truly wonderful family and amazing colleagues at Preston and Chorley hospitals I wouldn’t have a chance of being where I am now, but now I’m solely in charge of life in the ‘real world’ it’s an interesting challenge taking on this grown up stuff. It’s also a chance for those interested in life across the pond or indeed landlocked continent to life on our little collection of islands in the eyes of an everyday (albeit geeky and partly introverted) guy.

Whilst I’ll try not to reveal too much personal information of other people (since they have a right not to have their life broadcast online unless they say so), feel free to ask questions or comment if you’re so inclined, otherwise I hope you enjoy these little Sunday posts.
