Traffic Light Update Feb 2017

Sorry this post is a bit late, but last night I was was talking projects (of all things) with a dear former colleague in preperation for his new venture into the AV industry.

So as a short update on the progress of the Traffic Light System, I have been taking on the large task of revising Python from the ground up to ensure I know what is what when it comes to implementing the final product as an executable and/or a web based application.

The process of designing the final product has also begun to form, starting with the change in components for the final output. For ease of visibility and power management, I opted for using programmable LED strips. These can be connected together and will run well with less stress on the Pi’s GPIO pins when an extra PSU is introduced over procuring a large number of  standard LEDs and a circuit board  or mapped our framework to replicate this.

If used in the intended application, these strips will also fit easily onto the frame of most projection screens and TV frames whilst maintaining a low profile.

In the next month, I’ll walk through the system design of the current customised version written in Max/MSP/Jitter for Max 5 and the proposed process for translating this through the versions to the final hardware product.


As a secondary note, I want to apologise for the slight fail of the LIVE post last fortnight. Going inside the gallery killed the signal to my mobile and subsequently kept signing me out of WordPress. As a result of that, pictures wouldn’t upload correctly and posting updates was taking a lot more work. In future, I’ll be trying to take my laptop where I can and identifying good hotspots for posting updates.

Speak soon


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